Monday, February 11, 2008


In contrast , is the application of known scientific principles to a practicalproblem,and the outcome in many cases is new technologies . It may thus be stated that if pure science is interested in the acquisition of theoretical knowledge ,applied science is concerned more with the task of applying the theoretical knowledge , for human utility and service .Each pure science,however may have one or more applied fields.Engineering is an applied field of physics ,pharmacology is the applied field of chemistry,social work is the applied field of sociology, and so on.


Pure science is concerned mainly with the acquisition of knowledge and not its application.It is scientific investigation that is devoted exclusively to the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake.It has no immediate concern or pressure for using that knowledge to solve practical problems.Examples physics,chemistry,Biology,sociology,Anthropology,Political science, Economics,Phychology etc.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Science is essential knowledge. The word 'science' is derived from the Latin word 'scientia' which means "knowledge". But science is a particular kind of knowledge,that is , knowledge that has been obtained through the "scientific method".
In a more general sense , science refers to "any systematic study of physical or social phenomena"
In a more restricted sense, science can be understood as "the study of physical and social phenomena where this involves observation,experiment,appropriate quantification and the search for universal general laws andexplanations.
From a sociological stand point,"science is a body of knowledge about the natural world and a method for discovering such knowledge and a social institution organised around both".
In simple words , "science is a systematic body of knowledge".


Interaction is the basic concept in sociology. When the action of one person stimulates a responce in another , it is called interaction. When there are two or more persons in interaction , to a concious of 'mind' , then it is called a group.
Human personality develops with in the group and man is made human by social interaction. Every group is characterised by certain common interest shared by all the members.
According ti Turner and Killian "a group always consists of people who are in interaction and whose interaction is effected by some sense that they constitute a unit".

Macro Sociology And Micro Sociology

Sociologists often distinguish between macro sociology, which deals with social life on the larger scale of organizations , communities , and societies , and micro sociology , which focuses on the face-to-face world of social interaction.